Une autre vision du recrutement

Hiring poorly : fatal error

16 mistakesParmi les « 16 common mistakes young startups make » recensées par Mashable auprès de fondateurs de startups, le recrutement arrive en troisième position. « Make sure that new hires understand your rate of innovation. You are small and agile, which means you have a high rate of innovation and growth, and with that comes work! Often times, that work eventually goes beyond your job description. At a small company, employees need to wear many hats, and they need to be prepared to wear many hats. If you don’t manage this expectation upon hiring, you will be managing employee issues six months down the line. Those issues will eat into your time, and time is money for a new CEO », selon Kellee Khalil, Fondateur & CEO de Lover.ly.

Autre conseil avisé de Matt Salzberg, Fondateur & CEO de Blue Apron : « some entrepreneurs think it’s a luxury to have accounting, finance, or other support functions, but it’s important not to be afraid of spending resources early on for administration efficiency. If you don’t have someone to do that for you, you’ll end up spending all your time on things that aren’t critical to growing your company« .

Liste complète des 16 erreurs fréquemment commises par les jeunes startups sur Mashable.

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